Thursday, March 26, 2009

U2, Me, and a Deadly Sin

This is a life update blog for the zero people who read this.

At this moment, as iTunes plays in the background (currently listening to 867-5309/ Jenny by Tommy Tutone), life has taken some interesting turns.  

M. is gearing up for a second interview with the District Manager of Gamestop to become a manager at our local store.  This would be an amazing opportunity for him, and some much needed employment in this unfortunate recession.

Tomorrow morning at 11am I have a pre-interview for a possible interview for the bakery section at the local Whole Foods.  Not the writing career move I hoped for, but any work is welcome if it's from God.

The gym in our building has brand new equipment, quite motivating for M. and I to get our asses back into shape-- man, it's going to take a while.  Perhaps the discount at Whole Foods can promote fresher meals as well.

The best news came yesterday, when my mother-in-law told my husband he and I were going to see U2's kick off tour concert in September with them-- and the already have tickets!  This will be my first rock concert at age... 24!  

At the moment, I'm a bit discouraged reflecting on my new "in-law" family.  My mother, sisters, father, and brothers-in-law are all GORGEOUS.  This is NOT an exaggeration. My 50 y.o mother-in-law is still hit on by twenty somethings, not to mention she has the personality to match.
I saw pictures on facebook of her much younger and then the sadness and jealousy hit me simultaneously.  This is definitely spiritual warfare, as lately I've been laying out my current and lifelong goals, following God much more, and learning to love myself.  Then I'm hit with the regret of spending my youth and early twenties fat, and being the heaviest I've EVER been after I'd lost so much weight brings tears to my eyes.

However, I'm wiping those tears away, saying FU to Satan, and looking toward God.  I am beautiful.  I am fun, nice, smart, artistic, and can sing!  I LOVE that I can sing and draw and write.  Plus, God has given me some amazing spiritual gifts, and has taught me to love and understand people, no matter what their transgressions.  And there are all the blessings in my life, past and present, that come together to form the individual life that only I lead, thanks to God.

So peace out, Satan, I'm going to hang with Jesus.

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